  • October 20,2015
  • 1


Pine Ridge Indian Reservation struggles with suicides among its young people. The rate of suicide is estimated at 400 times higher than in the rest of the country and children as young as 9 years old are killing themselves. There has been more than 200 attempted suicides since the beginning of this year and the incidences of suicides and attempts seem to be on the increase. Tribe officials say they cannot remember such a high rate of suicides and attempts in such a short period on the reservation, which is already overwhelmed with high rates of unemployment, poverty, domestic abuse and alcohol addiction. This is a spiritual war zone and there needs to be a revelation to the parents, teacher and the children of the power of God and the authority of the name of Jesus! This is the only way that this will stop! Our mission team has been visiting Pine Ridge Reservation regularly for more than 11 years. In June, we visited two villages where about 11 children have received Jesus as their Savior. We have been talking to them about suicide because of the terrible things that have been happening on the reservation. We were told that there has been a dark shadow visiting some of the children and telling them they are useless and they should kill themselves. This dark shadow shows them how to tie a rope into a noose and hang themselves. We had a special message for the children and told them not to believe that. We taught them about the power that is in the name of Jesus. We gave each of them a special chain to wear around their neck that says, "God in me is greater than any darkness that comes

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    Delta Lacey

    I have always had an intrest in the work with the Lakota Sioux. Sorry to here of this latest conflict they are having over there. I will keep them and you in my Prayers.

    on 12/22/2015 5:17:07 AM